Saturday, November 12, 2011

Piranha (2010)

Oh, baby.  You want blood?  Done.  You want guts?  Done.  You want gratuitous nudity?  Double done.  Everything that a B movie lover loves and then some.

Spring break at Lake Victoria means one thing, plenty of co-eds out to get drunk and wiggle.  Too bad one drunk fisherman had a beer bottle go overboard to let loose these prehistoric piranha.  Yep.  One stinkin' beer bottle.

It really doesn't matter that one beer bottle helped cause a seismic event that released several of these ancient fish.  What matters is that there are several naked women and plenty of COOL DEATH SCENES.  The COOL DEATH SCENE ALERTS come fast at the end.   One girl gets sliced in two from a snapped tension cable.  Another gets her face ripped off after her hair gets caught in a boat propeller.  Eyeballs getting chewed out of their sockets, people being ripped in half, flesh chewed off down to the bone, and the list goes on and on.

I didn't even get to mention about the Wild Girls Gone Wild or whatever they called it in the movie.  All you need to know is that the wild girls get pretty wild.

The ending is the only part of the movie that was lacking.  Other than that, sit back and enjoy the carnage.

I give this movie 5 out of 5 tequila body shots.

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