Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Valhalla Rising

I like B movies that have over the top violence and gore.  This movie has that criteria covered.  Especially the violence.  I also like movies with a plot and a story.  Two items lacking with this film.

If you want to see a skull get bashed in or a head placed on a pike or even a man's intestines ripped out of his torso, then by all means ... watch this movie.  Over half of this movie is without dialog.  So after you get to see the ultra violence, be prepared for several minutes of people walking around a field or stuck on a boat, because you are going to get a lot more of the walking and the boat riding than the throat slicing.

Seriously.  This movie was one volleyball away from being like that Tom Hanks movie.

The ultra brutal violence is not enough to watch this movie more than once.  And even once was hard enough.  I recommend fast forwarding until you see blood or agony, watch that scene, then fast forward again.  You might be finished in less than 15 minutes.

I give this movie 1 out of 5 arrowheads.

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