Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Snake King

This is one of the few movies that I have seen that has one redeeming quality.  A giant multi headed serpent.

A team of researchers discover a stone casket that has the remains of a very old man.  GenTech International discovers that the man was over 300 years old.  The "Amazon Man" is introduced to a crew of reporters as "the most significant, scientific, biological, and archaeological find of modern times."  And they are determined to find the Fountian of Youth behind it.

A team that includes two research doctors is sent to the original dig site.  They hire a helecopter to take them to the dig site, but it is hit by lightning and they go down.  Nobody is hurt, which is fortunate because we need some victims.  The audience gets to see the serpent, but our characters do not know what they are in store for later.

The helicopter pilot is friends with a local tribe who finds them at the crash site.  A few of the team become snake food and one of the team decides to go on by himself, in a jungle, with no idea where he is going.  Perfect.  He might as well be wearing a bullseye for a hat.  A tribe of Snake People hold the secret of eternal life and they also pray to the large serpent.  One thing leads to another and the lady research doctor who was originally going to be sacrificed to the serpent, reasons with the tribe leader to try and make everything right.  It doesn't happen and the serpent goes nuts.

There are some quality kills be the serpent.  One guy is sliced in the abdomon and a river of blood flows from his gut.  Another guy is pulled apart limb from limb.  And the serpent also has some flesh dissolving saliva at the end that it never had before.  And SPOILER ALERT, the serpent does not get destroyed.  Which is fine by me.  Nothing like a giant multi headed serpent to keep out researchers.

I give this movie 2 out of 5 serpents

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