Friday, February 18, 2011

Pledge This!

There comes a time when you have to suck it up and watch a Paris Hilton movie.  I don't know why, but today was my day.

Like most National Lampoon movies, you have to expect some sophomoric humor.  The bathroom jokes and topless women for no apparent reason.  This movie has all of that and commentary by Paris Hilton.  Comments like, "School starts when I pop out of my limo and see my shadow.  But I can't see my shadow, because I am so thin."  There are more of those lines littered throughout the movie.

It's a proven formula for a movie.  Introduce stuck-up hot girls and lovable misfits, have both combine and conflict with hot girls coming out on top, misfits get revenge, the end.  The Paris Hilton bunch are the sorority girls from Gamma Gamma on the campus of South Beach University.  The girls are never in a classroom except for "fashion class" and "secrets of sex" class.  Just about all of the action takes place at the Gamma Gamma house and pool.  "Is everybody from MySpace in my pool?"

Other than a few funny lines, a giant chicken houseboat, and a pie fight ending, there is little reason to watch this movie.

I give it 1/2 out of 5 sorority girls.

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