Friday, February 25, 2011

Zombie Strippers

Zombie Strippers is one of those movies that you probably could never take a date to see.  But it has it all.  Brutal killings.  Nudity.  Zombies.  What more could you ask for?

In the near future, America is at war with just about everybody.  Even Alaska.  A group of scientists are in charge of creating a toxic virus that reanimates dead tissue and jump start brain motor functions so that the dead soldiers could come back to life and continue fighting.  The test subjects get out of control and a military team has come to the test facility to eradicate the test subjects.  Only, one of the team is bitten and escapes the lab while all of the other zombies are killed.

The bitten team member makes his way to a strip club and bites the best stripper of the group.  "Let me get this straight.  Our best stripper is a reanimated corpse who feeds off the living flesh of out customers ...."  But get this, the zombie stripper is out selling the rest of the girls.  Not only do the customers not seem to mind, but they love it.  So the other girls become zombies one by one.

There are some fantastic ultra violent kills by the strippers.  There is a wonderful brain eating scene, several head splatters, and face stomping aplenty.  Two lines in the movie got a chuckle from me.  "Get on the bread truck and haul f**king buns" and "Not enough kids smoking these days".

Definitely worth the time.  I give it 4 out of 5 Rhino's (strip club name).

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