Saturday, March 26, 2011

5ive Girls

Is it a reform school or is it something else?  It's something else.
St. Mark's is a reform school for very bad girls.  So bad that they need to be locked in so that they cannot escape.  They also need to be strip searched and are not allowed any contact with the outside world.  No phones, no internet, and they are forbidden to go on the third floor.
Alex, the last of the girls to arrive, is the most curious of the third floor.  She is the first to visit and sees the ghost of the girl that disappeared from the school five years earlier.  But that is the least of their problems.  Something greater is happening in the school.  You see, the head mistress is using demonic powers to bring back the girl who vanished.  And for her spells to succeed, she much trade the lives of the five students for the soul of the one ghost.
The girls have special powers that help them defend themselves.  Mara is a healer, Cecilia may be blind, but she can read tarot cards, Leah can walk through objects in a room, and Connie is a witch who is fascinated by the occult.  Along the way, the girls get possessed by a demon and they fight the other girls.
Alex is able to save Mara, but at the cost of her own life.  The fifth soul is taken when the head mistress has a cross pierce her skull and the ghost comes back to human form.  But, the demon is not done.
The school girl uniforms is not enough to save this film.  Even the nudity is not enough.  But the spanking scene.  Oh baby.  Now that's good learnin'.
I give this movie 3 out of 5 Latin translations.

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