Thursday, March 17, 2011

Boy Eats Girl

This movie was made in Ireland.  So it makes the cut for being a "foreign" flick here on Medusa's Face.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
A lady is working inside of an old church, when she finds a secret passage to a crypt.  All sorts of items are there that were from missionaries who lost their way.  The priest catches her and sends her on her way.
The students at the town school are preparing for the end of term disco.  The shy fellow that wants to ask this girl out, can't seem to pull the trigger, and sees her later in another guy's car.  Thinking the worst, he goes home and begins drinking.  While drunk, he flirts with thoughts of suicide and puts his head in a noose.  Every teenager keeps one of those in their bedroom, right?  With a nudge from his mother, the son is strangled to death.  Good thing this is the lady who was helping out at the church, because otherwise she wouldn't get the voodoo book and bring her son back to life.
So we now have our first zombie.  Only, he's not that much of a zombie.  It's not until he bites the cheek of another student when the zombie virus is spread.  The next thing you know, just about everyone in town has become a zombie.  Even the priest!
There is one funny scene where the love interest of the story, climbs on a tractor and begins shredding most of the zombies on her property.  But other than that, the killing scenes are minimal.  The zombie cure is a bit odd too.  A bite from a poisonous snake.  Who would have thunk it?
I give this movie 3 out of 5 zombie priests.

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