Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Mad

This is a zombie movie that sort of makes fun of zombie movies.  I liked how this movie didn't take itself too seriously.
An old man grinds up some beef and delivers it to the local diner.  As he is driving to the diner, you can see a "quarantined" sign by the slaughterhouse.  That can't be good.  The diner accepts the delivery and changes the menu for the day to have the ground beef featured for the special.
A group of four arrives in the town as a stop over on their way to their vacation.  They get checked in to the hotel, then head off to get some lunch.  While the father and boyfriend order the special, they are not able to get the special.  It was sold out.  The chef was saving a burger patty for himself, but it has begun to move and is no longer on the plate.  Things go south pretty quick.  The other patrons begin getting ill and one female customer asks Monica (the father's girlfriend) for some aspirin.  Monica drops the aspirin and the female customer comes up and stabs her in the head with a fork.  Oh, and the female customer is not the only one who has transformed either.  Several other customers are zombies and the father begin fending them off with a prop pitchfork.
Slightly funny scene in the diner when the father gets shoved into the jukebox with the female customer who is now a zombie.  The music changes and they begin dancing a waltz.  Now back to the zombies.  The boyfriend gets his toes bitten off when he tries to kick one of the zombies in the head.  Then later he gets shot.  And finally when he freaks out after being attacked by the missing meat patty, he gets decapitated.  Good stuff.
The father/daughter are the only ones left in the town that escape.  They arrive at the farm that sold the tainted meat.  The rancher's son greets the pair and they are off to the barn to try and find the rancher.  The rancher, who is a zombie, bites his son on the forearm.  As he is gnawing away on his own son, some of the ground beef attacks the rancher.  The police arrive and everything gets under control.  Until the policeman gets attacked by one of the meat patties.
Overall, it's a fairly dumb movie.  But, it is good rainy day material.  Nothing too violent or scary.  And some light hearted scenes to keep you watching.
I give this movie a 4 out of 5 anabolic growth hormones.

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