Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sea Snakes

This is a story of greed that turns into a story of snakes on a submarine.
On a remote island in the Pacific, two researchers have successfully bred some pit vipers with some mutant snakes.  The offspring have mutated chromosomes and are loaded with radioactive isotopes.  The offspring are also growing at an alarming rate.  Apparently the momma is out on the island somewhere because it swallows a local.
A submarine that was a museum piece three months previously has been decommissioned and is being sold to Taiwan.  Enter Luke Perry.  Luke is going to be the delivery boy for the sub.  The sub will have a skeleton crew who are mostly fresh out of submarine school.
Using satellites and ground intelligence, the U.S. Navy now knows that the Chinese plan to perform some naval maneuvers near the research facility.  Feeling that the research facility will be compromised, an evacuation is ordered.  The researchers are only supposed to take back four snakes, but the assistant takes all of them with him.  The decommissioned sub is the only vessel in the area and they are given new orders to perform the evacuation.
The sub gets the researchers, the snakes get loose on the sub, and the Chinese are driving their big boats around.  The plan was to "leave the snakes alone."  Kind of the if you don't bother them, they won't bother you notion.  Only, these snakes are aggressive and bother the crew.
The story doesn't work for me and there are no real quality kills.  It wasn't the most productive use of my time.
I give this movie 1/2 out of 5 Luke Perrys.

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