Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Left for Dead

This is a story of revenge in the mining town of Amnesty.  The year is 1880.  After a preacher ends his affair with a prostitute, she goes insane.  With the help of other prostitutes, they manage to kill everyone else in town.  The preacher makes a deal with the devil to live on as a ghost to one day get his revenge.
15 years later.
Three men are chasing another man, named Blake, all the way to Amnesty.  The preacher ghost appears and starts taking out the three chasers.  One guy gets his guts spilled out and another gets shot.  The third is allowed to live and "deliver a message".  The man being chased thinks that he is going to die too, so he offers the ghost a smoke.  Note to self, remember to always offer blood thirsty ghosts a cigarette.  Because, the preacher ghost likes the friendly gesture.
These women are also after Blake.  It seems that Blake knocked up one of the girls and the group is trying to make things right.  So now everyone is in the town of Amnesty.
The preacher ghost must remain in the town and he is not allowed to go into the church or beyond the graves.  Good information to have in this situation.  But apparently it is common knowledge, because most of the time spent in the town is in the church.
It takes a little while, but we finally know that the group of women are the whores that went insane.  The preacher ghost starts getting his revenge by cutting throats and gutting women with this primitive hook.  He even gets one with a pick ax.
The final battle has Clementine (Blake's wife) in a shoot out with the preacher ghost.  The only weapon that hurts the preacher is his own guns.  Clem gets one of the guns from the preacher, so it is a fair fight.  She begins to get visions of what happened 15 years ago.  Now she knows why the preacher ghost has been wanting to kill the whores.
So remember kids, if you want a group of insane prostitutes to kill your entire town so that you can roam the land as a blood thirsty ghost, you have to end your affair with your lover.
I give this movie 2 out of 5 preacher ghosts.

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