Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Maze

Five college-aged friends are on a mission to visit a corn maze in Garfield County.  And they don't care when they get there, they are going to go into that maze.
The opening scene is a little spooky.  The coroner or medical examiner is checking out a burnt skeleton.  He finds a trinket which begins the story.  Three guys and two girls are on their way to visit a corn maze, but are delayed because of a flat.  They finally get to the maze, but the sun has already set.  I know I wouldn't let complete lack of light keep me from entering a corn maze that "sometimes takes people hours to get through".  Would you?  Of course not.
The five of them go in the maze and begin a ridiculous game of "tag".  Only, they are not alone in the maze.  There is a man in a red hooded sweatshirt and he has a knife.  The boyfriend dies first, then the girlfriend, the owner of the maze who came out to investigate the noises he heard, the guy with goatee, and the guy with the stripe on his jacket.  The smoker girl (she smokes or at least attempts to smoke) is the only one who doesn't meet her maker due to the red hooded man.  To try and stop her assailant, she sets the maze on fire.  So now you know about the charred skeleton.
In one scene, the guy with the stripe on his jacket is running away from Mr. Red Hood.  While he is running, the red hood guy is stationary and is able to stab jacket boy in the back of the leg, accurate enough to bring the runner down.  The mop up is pretty easy after that.
Smoker girl gets sent to the sheriff's office.  Saying, "I killed him" after a police officer asks, "what happened?" will usually get you taken downtown for questioning.  I won't give away the ending.
For much of the movie, you get to see a lot of the interior of a corn maze.  Or maize maze.  Whoa!  I just blew my mind.
I give this movie 1 out of 5 corn mazes

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