Thursday, June 23, 2011


For most people, when they see the title of this movie they think to themselves, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and for those people, they would be right in assuming that this movie is on the same storyline as that book.  Or you can be like me and think of Alice the television series and expect the Linda Lavin or Vic Tayback characters to be eating Polly Holiday's grits.  My mind is a little bent.

This movie is definitely about Alice's adventure in Wonderland, but with a modern twist.  Not like the remake of the cartoon with Johnny Depp.  This adventure is less like the cartoon and more like a drunken disappointment.

Little did I realize that this was a mini series.  What I viewed was just the first installment.  And oddly enough, it wasn't all that bad.  No real Medusa's Face attributes to speak of in the movie.  No buckets of blood.  No senseless violence.  And the only digital creature that I saw was just an oddly large lizard.

I wasn't going to watch this one, but I was ten minutes in and said to myself, "What the heck."  Now I am curious if I should see the second half ... if there even is a second half.

Not a bad way to waste an afternoon.

I give this movie 2 1/2 out of 5 looking glasses.

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