Monday, June 6, 2011


Before I start this, .. let me just say, "what?"  I mean really.  What?  I've seen some pretty odd movies, but this one is one of the oddest.

Four women are isolated and tortured so that the research team can study their brain waves when the women are experiencing a raw emotion.  Mostly fear.  At different points in the film, a man cuts a time into the flesh of one of the women.  That time is when they are taken away and then brutalized.

Buckets of fake blood later, one of the women comes out of the experiment alive and the experiment is finally explained.  And I don't mind telling you that it is one of the most wretched explanations ever thought up.  Turns out, the emotion that the researchers really needed was love.

(single tear)

Now that I have seen this movie, I know that I will never have to see it again.  This was one of the worst movies that I have ever seen.  And I like bad movies, so I have seen my fair share of lemons.

I give this movie 0 out of 5 smashed clocks.

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