Thursday, June 30, 2011

Nine Lives

This is not a story about a pet cat.  Nor is it about revenge after getting sent "Fat Fanny, the Granny Tranny" to strip for you on your birthday.  Although, at some point, I wish that it were.

Paris Hilton is in this movie.  With a different name, but playing Paris Hilton.  I don't know if she seeks roles that bare so much of a resemblance to her true life or if she can't act.  Let's just say that I think that it is more column B than column A.

Nine friends are reuniting to get drunk and spend a weekend together.  The manor that they are meeting at is large.  So large that the cast have a hard time getting around the place.  The troubles of some people.

Well, that aside, ... another little problem with the house is that it houses a very mad soul.  So mad, that it possesses one of the friends and forces that friend to start killing off the others.  Along the way, the remaining friends begin to kill the possessed friend and when that happens, the friend who killed the possessed friend - becomes possessed.  Sort of a chain effect kind of thing happening here.  Tim kills Tom and then Tom becomes possessed.  See?

Late in the movie, one of the girls figures out how to break the chain and only one out of the nine remain.  And Paris Hilton is in this movie.

Not a lot of gore.  Not a lot of violence.  And not a lot of Paris Hilton.  I think Paris is the first to be killed.  First or second, ... I forget.

I give this movie 1/2 out of 5 butcher knives.

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