Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Reykjavik: Whale Watching Massacre or Harpoon: Whale Watching Massacre

Here is another movie that goes by two different titles, but trying to figure out the title of this movie is the least of your worries.  A classic B movie that has senseless violence, unexplained motive for killing, and buckets of blood.  Just what I wanted to see.

A group of tourists in Iceland are going whale watching.  Nothing too out of the ordinary there, right.  But things take a turn for the worst when the Frenchman decides to climb the mast of the boat.  The Frenchman slips and falls onto the captain with a wooden stick that impales the captain.  Mortally wounding the captain.

Before the first mate can finish raping one of the tourists, he is told of the captain's wounding.  And in a blink of an eye, the first mate jumps ship and motors off in the dingy for help.  Help arrives, but not in time to save the captain.  And now the real fun begins.

The tourists are taken to another boat.  This new boat is not fond of outsiders.  So much so, that they have begun murdering the tourists.  Which takes no time at all.  When two ladies fight over a cell phone and one gets a bloody nose, she also gets a hammer to the forehead.  Lots of COOL DEATH SCENE ALERTs, from a guy getting harpooned to another getting a flare to the eye.  Quality kills in this one.

The ending is the only time you get to see a whale and even then it is not much whale footage.  Probably because the ending is horrible.  Yet another B movie that didn't know how to end.  Oh well.  At least a guy got shot with a harpoon.  Which was pretty sweet if you ask me.

I give this movie 3 out of 5 exploding purses.

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