Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Hitchhiker

Most people will never pick up a hitchhiker on the side of the road.  Lucky for us, the people in this movie did not take that advice.  The first hitchhiker is odd enough.  He reviews adult films.  And also happens to be into men.  Which promptly puts him out of the truck.

The bigger problem is with the man who picked up the hitchhiker.  He was a little disappointed with his girlfriend cheating on him, so he brought her out to the desert and ... you can guess what happens.  And you would think that he would be happy enough to put that problem behind him.  I guess not, because he hitches and gets picked up by four women from Colorado Springs, who are on their way to Vegas to get liquored up and make bad decisions.

Conveniently, there is something wrong with the brand new car that they are driving and must spend the night at a motel on the side of the road.  Things get out of had quickly when one of the women has some sex with the hitchhiker.  Tame to what will happen next.  A stab here, a punch there, and the hitchhiker begins to get very violent with the women.  Add in some additional victims and a couple of the worst police officers in Utah and you have all of the makings for a body stacking party.

The story moves along fine and the hitchhiker guy is pretty convincing as a lunatic.  I thought that the violence was a little held back.  Gore could have been played up a little more too.  But other than that, not a bad little flick.  Ending is very predictable.

I give this movie 1 1/2 out of 5 bottles of Miller High Life.

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