Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hillside Cannibals

I don't know what kind of sales pitch was used to get this film made, but it must have been a doozy.  It was either a great sales pitch or someone blackmailed someone else into making this movie.  Seriously.  If you don't believe me, try watching this one.

Two couples and an additional girl are out in a remote area to go cave diving.  The five of them set up camp and things get a little loose right away.  While one couple makes out, the other couple decides to go off, .. to make out, and the odd girl out sits there and smokes some weed.  The weed girl hears a noise and goes to investigate.  While she is gone, the couple that stayed gets a visit by the cannibals that live in the area.  Crash.  Boom.  Bam.  Those two die.  Then the weed girl dies.  All rather quickly.

The couple that was away from the camp site comes back and gets attacked as well.  Not too bad as far as action in the first few minutes of the movie.  The boyfriend gets knocked out and brought back to the cannibal cave, while the redhead girlfriend escapes.  Don't worry, some other unassuming victims will be added in later just so that the cannibals have someone else to attack.

The cannibals are an odd bunch.  Apparently, to become the leader of the cannibal tribe, you have to cut the face off of the old leader and wear it like a second skin.  That happens more than once in the movie.

Point of interest:  When one of the female cannibals wants the MP3 player that one of the male cannibals is listening to, she tries to seduce him so that she can get his toy.  I thought that was funny.

Over the top violence: B-
Buckets of blood: C+
Graphic blood and guts: A-
Understandable plot: F

I don't recommend watching this movie.  Not even as a joke.  Unless you like primitive drum beats.  Because the sound track is nothing but primitive drum beats.  I was even shaking my hips a little while watching the movie.  That was how much I was interested in what I was viewing.  I was more interested in the drum beats than the silliness of this movie.

I give this movie 1 out of 5 bone staffs.

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