Friday, April 8, 2011

Assault of the Sasquatch‏

If you have seen the commercials for a certain beef jerky that messes with Sasquatch, then prepare for a movie long commercial without the product placement.
Three poachers set up traps in a state wildlife preserve.  They catch a bear and then they catch something more.  The Sasquatch.  After drugging the creature, they intend to deliver it to a fellow who is willing to pay $1 million dollars for it.  Seems like a low sum to me, but then again, I am not in the Sasquatch business.
They storyline jumps around a bit.  Obviously the Sasquatch is the main focus, but there is also counter-story between the former policeman turned forest ranger, the relationship he has with his daughter, and these two nerds who run around with a video camera yelling at the top of their lungs at people asking them if they have seen the Sasquatch.
The Sasquatch likes the ladies too.  He becomes a peeping tom when one girl heads off to the shower.  Then to get closer to the girl, he breaks into her home and is about to walk in on her when suddenly her pet chihuahua foils his plan.  The dog gets stomped for ruining the moment.
There are a few cool death scenes in the movie.  A cop gets stabbed in the neck with a pair of scissors, a pimp gets beat with his own arm before getting crushed by a propane tank, and a "Dead End" sign gets thrown into one of the nerds.  A few other gems during the film that will keep you watching.
The movie is okay, but it needed more senseless violence from the Sasquatch.  Throwing car tires and postal boxes at people are good, but there wasn't enough punching through heads from the Sasquatch.  It would have made this movie an instant classic if there were more of those scenes.
I give this movie 3 out 5 eye patches.

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