Friday, April 1, 2011

Bottoms Up

I originally was going to watch and review a classic, non-b movie to list here for April Fool's Day.  Instead, I just watched another Paris Hilton movie.  I guess the joke was on me.

This is not as bad of a movie as Pledge This!, but even having Jason Mewes around doesn't save this film.  It almost seems odd to look at Paris Hilton as a brunette.  I wonder which came first.  Her platinum hair color or her fame.
Owen (Jason Mewes) is a bartender at his dad's failing steakhouse.  He is one of these "Cocktail" type bartenders who flip the bottles around and create a show.  And he's pretty good at it.  He wants to enter a contest to win the prize money for his dads' steakhouse.  Only, the competition is out in Los Angeles.  He leaves Minnesota and is going to stay with his gay uncle Earl.  Owen enters the contest and loses.  But he still wants to find a way to get the money for his dad, so he begins helping out uncle Earl.  Uncle Earl works at the gossip program "The Hollywood Scoop".  Think of it as TMZ.
Owen has to blackmail Paris Hilton in order to try and get an interview with her boyfriend, who happens to be the hottest young actor around and refuses to give interviews.  Everything falls into place and it all works out in the end.  Basically, ... Owen needs to get the interview.  After getting to know everyone, he is in turmoil over if he should screw over his new friends or let things continue on without changing things.  He finally screws over one of the jerks of the group and wins the girl and the money.  The end.
A few boobs at a pool party and a couple of good lines.  But other than that, this is a yawner.  There are several familiar actors in the movie.  Look for "Silent Bob" (who is not silent or named Bob) and "Jackie Chiles" (from Seinfeld).  Paris Hilton looks like she is playing herself.  Bored, looking at her phone.
I give this movie 1 out of 5 fecal therapists.

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