Friday, April 29, 2011


Yes.  With three exclamation points.  It might be because of the banshee scream being so loud or it might be because two exclamation points just wasn't enough.
Way back in 1970, three guys are getting high and watching TV.  They need to go on a grocery run and on their way, the woman that they were just watching on the TV is in the middle of the road.  So they pick her up.  But she is now what she appears to be and when the radio gets turned on, the frequency disrupts her disguise and she is the banshee.  She rips the guys to shreds and they crash into a lake.  The crash scene is pretty funny to me.  It's almost as if the producer didn't want to wreck the car, so it's a digital wreck.
Present day and the car is found.  The person who finds the car, Jack Gorman (Kevin Shea), is a scrap dealer and when he opens up the trunk, the banshee is released.  If you watched Attack of the Sasquatch, you will remember Kevin Shea as the hunter with the eye patch.  The banshee begins her havoc when a group of college kids show up for spring break.  Which is good, because we need some victims.  And they provide for some cool death scenes.  Being speared in the mouth, guts being eaten, heads ripped in half, torsos removed from the legs, ... all sorts of awesome gore litter this movie.
Jack's nephew, Rocker (oh yeah), gets in a few guitar licks too.  Towards the end of the movie, they figure out that the frequency from the guitar affects the banshee.  And Rocker becomes a rocking god on the front lawn to try and help kill the banshee.  The only problem that I had with this movie was the terrible ending.  It was wretched!!!  But other than that, it was not that bad of a B movie.
I give this movie 3 out of 5 electric guitars.

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