Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Candy Stripers

This is the kind of B-Movie that I like.  Barely any plot explanation, mostly non-digital special effects, and over-the-top senseless violence.  Add in some gratuitous nudity and you have the making of a classic.
Two girls are heading down the highway in their truck, when they encounter an overturned vehicle.  They investigate the scene and then they are on their way.  But there is something in the truck bed, and it means business.  Because the passenger is now in the hospital.  A candy striper sit and waits with the patient and when the patient wakes up, she calls the candy striper over and asks for a kiss before she dies.  The candy striper obliges and gets some sort of alien cucumber transferred to her.
The local basketball team is playing a game with a tough opponent and fights break out in the course of the game.  A few of the team get sent to the hospital for their injuries and this hospital is not exactly top notch.  There is a scene where the doctor is laughing as he tries to reset a dislocation of one of the players.
The infected candy striper begins to infect several other candy stripers and also some of the nurses.  COOL DEATH SCENE ALERT: A candy striper slices the neck of one security guard and a police officer shoots her in the forehead.  She drops, but comes back to life.  Another COOL DEATH SCENE ALERT: another candy striper pulls the heart out of the janitor and claims, "Men can be so heartless."
There are several scenes like this during the movie.  I was hoping for a few more, but there was enough to keep you watching.  The captain of the basketball team and his love interest are able to save the day.  But not before a head gets ripped off or having someone else getting their face melted off.  Worth the watch and even worth to watch again.
I give this movie 4 1/2 out of 5 insulin guns.

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