Friday, April 22, 2011


I didn't know what to expect out of this film.  It starts out rather odd, but it has a fair storyline.  Out of the usual made for TV movies that I have watched, this one is set apart from the rest.
Tyler Draven (Scott Draven in the mug shot), is a former linebacker who has been kicked out of the league for using steroids.  But these are no ordinary steroids.  These are designer, DNA based steroids.  And they are so powerful, they have altered Dravens' blood chemistry.  After being picked up for assaulting a news reporter, the judge lets Draven know that he will be picked up and prosecuted in a federal court.  But before he can get picked up, the breaker box blows and he is caught in the fire of his jail cell.
He is brought to the hospital with 90% of his body burned, but due to the steroids, he is able to recover almost immediately and then goes out on a revenge rampage.  He gets the clerk that made up rumors about him.  He gets the judge that sentenced him.  And he gets the reporter who has been hounding him since he got out of football.  His big mistake is when he goes for the nuclear power plant and tries to take out some of his former fans.
The violence is at a minimum, but they have a lot of explosions in the film.  And as an added bonus, the male federal investigator and the female county fire investigator DO NOT HOOK UP.  Thank you to the producers and writers for not giving in to romantic peer pressure.
I give this movie 3 1/2 out of 5 flaming foot prints.

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