Sunday, April 3, 2011


Another mad experiment goes wrong when a research lab tries to use DNA from an ancient crocodile to splice into new specimens.  I don't even remember why they wanted to do this research.  I only know that the town of Grant's Lake is going to have some problems.
One of the funnier moments of the beginning is when one of the research team is trying to control the specimens after they begin to fight amongst each other.  She does this by banging on the glass and yelling, "Stop it!"  When that fails, she enters the chamber so that she can get attacked by one of the small dinocrocs.  What ... could .. she ... have ... been ... thinking?  "My taser will protect me!"  Sure.
The movie does not get any better after that scene.
The "croc doc" comes in to help get the dinocroc.  And what do you know, he's Australian.  He's an expert for tracking crocodiles.  If you want to track this croc, all you have to do is wait for the dramatic choir to start singing.  It's like the dinocroc theme or something.
The sheriff and deputies attempt to hunt down the croc, but they fail.  Five of the deputies are killed, which is apparently the entire force.  A plan is eventually put together to attempt to gas the croc with carbon monoxide.  Cue the montage.  Nothing says we don't have a lot of time, but want to show that we can get a lot of work done in that short time like a montage.
Two large gates are constructed and they lure the dinocroc into a sewer pipe, gas the croc.  They think that it's dead, but there is about 20 minutes left in the movie, so of course it's not dead.  Only after being hit with a nearby freight train, does the dinocroc become immobile and can have a large metal pipe shoved into its eye.
I know it's predictable.  I know that the female lead is eventually going to have a romantic encounter with the male lead.  And, I know that the person running the research facility will eventually get killed by the experiment that was created at their lab.  So why watch it?  I'm asking myself the same question.  No good kill scenes.  The digital dinocroc is more dinosaur than crocodile.  But they did have a real three legged dog named "Lucky", so I guess that was cool.
I give this movie 1/2 out of 5 three legged dogs.

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