Saturday, April 9, 2011


I have to admit, the only minotaur I am familiar with in film is the one in Time Bandits.  But at least that movie had some midgets in it too.  This movie lacks midgets and the minotaur looks more like a bull than a man-bull combination.
The ancient island of Minos had nothing better to do than to try and create a living god.  So the queen had sex with a bull and for 13 months, she carried this creature in her womb until it was time to give birth.  These people need to get out in the sun more or something.  That's just crazy.  Any way, the creature lives in the labyrinth (not the David Bowie movie) beneath the palace and the people of Minos demand a sacrifice of 8 youths, every three years, from a city across the sea.  The people of Minos are convinced that someone from the other city killed a prince of Minos and this punishment to the city.
The king and queen of Minos are brother and sister.  This makes for a creepy moment when the king asks the queen to carry his seed.  She is not a fan and goes into the labyrinth with the youths.  She has a plan to escape, but the king finds out and thwarts the plan.  Most of the kids get taken out by the minotaur.  The first girl becomes a blood vapor, another girl gets a horn through the back of her head and out of her mouth, many others get impaled by the horns.
The hero of the story figures out that the gas that is in the labyrinth is flammable and is able to char-roast the minotaur and then kill it with its own horn.  The survivors of the labyrinth escape and rejoin the people in the palace, where the queen murders her own brother.
Overall, the story moves along.  The reason that the hero goes to Minos in the first place is to find his lost love.  He finds her, but she is a mummy.  Which I applaud the writers for that.  But they did sneak in a survivor who has his own little corner and has been living off of rats for who knows how long.
I wanted a more man/bull creature for the minotaur.  From the images that I remember, it was a creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man.  Not what the film portrayed.
I give this movie 1 1/2 out of 5 minotaur horns.

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