Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dog Soldiers

This film is set in Scotland.  If you have trouble with Scottish accents or terminology, do not watch this film.  It's not worth the headache of waiting for the violence.
A training exercise goes awry when a group of soldiers with blanks come across the captain of a special forces operation.  The captain is the only soldier left after his camp had been brutalized by some werewolves.  The group gets picked up by a lovely lady who brings them to a house for shelter and to tend to the wounded.
The soldiers have encounters with the werewolves for most of the movie.  And action and violence is not that bad.  There is one mishap in the film that shows the poor editing.  A soldier who falls to the ground gets up with a handgun, then a second later, he is shown going to the ground again only to come up with a rifle.  There are some good scenes, but the movie money are the scenes with the werewolves.  It looks like a guy wearing a fur suit and a large fabricated wolf head.  It's those kind of special effects that are being replaced by digital creatures.  I love the big silly outfits.  Just love them.
The twist at the end is ... well, I won't say.  For the most part, the story moves along nicely.  The action is there and the over acting is at a minimum.  I wanted more gore in the violence.  A chopped off had here and a severed head there is not enough.  Even when one of the werewolves is stabbed in the head with a water faucet (with blood pouring out of the faucet), they could have had more of that type of violence in the movie.
I give this movie 3 1/2 out of 5 exploding barns.

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