Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ice Spiders

Vanessa Williams is in this movie.  But it's not the Vanessa Williams that I recognized.  Could there be two actresses named Vanessa Williams?  I guess anything is possible.  Just like splicing the DNA of a prehistoric spider with some modern day spiders to grow into several large super spiders.

A remote lab in the mountains of Utah, is experimenting with spiders.  But not just any old spiders that you find in the corners of where you live.  These are giants.  Probably six foot across.  At one point in the movie, a skier gets taken out when one of the large spiders grabs them in mid flight after a small jump.  It's about the best thing in this movie.  It's either that or when the ski coach jumps off the ski lift to shatter his leg.

The plan was to harvest a large amount of spider silk.  The silk could be fashioned into armor for military forces.  The properties of the silk make it stronger than steel and lighter then most composite materials.  Not a bad plan.  But to grow the spiders, steroids and other growth hormones were introduced into the spider food.  Those extra chemicals made the spiders aggressive and they began attacking the lab technicians and anybody in their path.

I was waiting for the solution of taking out the spiders to be some huge production.  But the producers must have spent a hunk of change on the digital spiders, which made the ending weak.  As with most other B movies, there are certain lines throughout the movie that are forgettable, but funny.  The hero of the day kills a spider with a mounted stag head and proclaims, "Hey, doc!  Nice rack."

Gore is at a minimum and zero over-the-top violence.  The "evil" professor who is heading up the spider research is not all that evil.  In fact, the one kid on the ski team who is supposed to be America's next great hope for an Olympic gold is probably more of a jerk than the professor.

I give this movie 1 1/2 out of 5 school buses.

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