Sunday, May 29, 2011

Aaah! Zombies!! or Wasting Away

Yet again I have some across a movie that is known under two different titles.  You might find it listed as Aaah! Zombies!! or Wasting Away.  No matter which title you happen to see this movie listed under, it takes zombie movies and turns them on their collective ears.  This movie tells the story from the zombie point of view.  Rather clever.
A military experiment has gone wrong.  The subject is given a substance that kills him rather quickly and then transforms him into a zombie.  In an effort to cover up the mishap, all of the containers of the toxic liquid is being transported to a pristine lake for dumping.  But before the payload can be delivered, there is an accident and one of the barrels rolls all the way to a bowling alley.  There, the bio-hazard goo gets absorbed by the dairy containers and is made into ice cream, which four friends eat.  One of the friends is an alumni of Medusa's Face, previously seen in Bottom's Up.
They turn into zombies and are joined by another zombie that was a PFC at the military installation that was doing the testing.  While they think that everyone else is infected, it is this group of five that are the infected ones.  These five think that they are somehow "super soldiers" and can help change the world.  They don't seem to die and they have incredible strength.
It's a pretty good movie and I like the change of pace from some of the other zombie movies that I have seen.  I wanted a little more over the top senseless violence.  There was some, but I felt that this movie needed more of that.  Nothing too memorable, other than in order to translate zombie to human, either the zombie's brain waves need to be stimulated or the human needs to be drunk.  I thought that was a nice touch.
So remember kids, when drunk .. you might be able to understand zombies.
I give this movie 3 out of 5 bowling ball bags.

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