Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Bone Snatcher

Eland Mining Enterprises has a location in the Namib Desert in Africa and they are searching for diamonds.  In the desert.  I can't stress that enough.  And along with the compound in the desert, they also have a nest of ants.  Buy not just any ants.  These ants ... well, ... you have to see it to believe it.
Dr. Zack Straker (Scott Bairstow - also in Alien Apocolypse) is sent to the desert to help the mining company.  I forget why he is sent there.  First he is in Vancouver keeping a research facility from exploding and then in Africa.  I'll bet he racked up some serious frequent flyer miles though.  Anyway, .. he gets to the facility in Africa and becomes part of a rescue mission to find three prospectors who have not called in for a while.  The reason that they have not called in is because they are dead.  One of the guys opened up this ant nest and SPOILER ALERT all three were consumed by the ants.
But this is the kicker.  The ants don't just immediately rip the flesh from your bones.  They use your bones to make a large walking creature to move about the desert.  I am not sure how this behavior came into play, but then again, I am not an ant.  So the rescue team go out to look for the prospectors and while they are out, they need to be rescued when their truck has an electrical problem.  Sitting around their dead vehicle, they send out a distress call that gets an airplane fly over.  It will take at least two days for the next rescue mission to reach the first rescue mission.  "We have supplies.  They'll send a truck.  We'll get a tan.  Better than working."  Really?  Something tells me that they will get more than a tan.  And I am right.
They get attacked by the ant creature and foolishly go following it to try and kill it.  Shooting the ants has not proved a good solution and they can't really round them up in the open desert.  Conveniently, they come across an abandoned mine shaft where they use some nitro-glycerin to blow up the mine.  And even more conveniently, the queen is sitting in the open for them to stab.  Bravo.
I had a hard time wanting to finish this movie.  The story takes a long time to set up, but as soon as the story started to pick up, the movie ended.  I have no idea why they had to show the scene in Canada.  It had no relevance to the story whatsoever.  I might not ever say this again, but I was hoping to see more of the large ant creature in the movie.
I give this movie 1/2 out of 5 subterranean analyzers

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