Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ice Twisters

Much like The Storm, people are trying to control the weather.  We've seen it before, people.  To borrow a phrase from a commercial out of the '70s, "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature."  But hey, we have Medusa's Face alumni from The Sea Beast and Tucker & Dale vs. Evil in this movie, so it can't be all bad.

Sure it would be great to bring rain to areas that need it, but at what cost.  Apparently, the researchers and scientists in this movie didn't explore the side effects of their experiment.  A digital plane releases several digital drones that begin flying in a circle.  As they fly, they also release an agent to help create a cloud so it can be seeded to make rain.  That's all great, but after they get a successful test under their belt, they also happen to produce tornadoes that freeze everything in their path.  Spewing out deadly hail that can punch right through human torsos.

Luckily for the team creating the rain, there is a scientist turned science fiction author nearby who is asked to offer assistance.  He has plenty of suggestions, but since the team thinks that he is just an author spreading conspiracy theories, they don't give him much credit.  Don't worry.  They later take his advice to blow a hole in the ozone layer to help save Portland, OR.  Take THAT, environmentalists.

As far as the story goes, this is not that wretched of a plot.  What made it suffer for me was the addition of the author.  He just happens to know just as much about the situation as the people who have been working on this particular project for three years.  It's nonsense.  Not to say that he wasn't vital to the story, I just thought that he was added in rather oddly.  The wicked official from Washington D.C. wasn't totally necessary either.

I give this movie 1 out of 5 tornado thrown locomotives.

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