Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cabin Fever

There is not too much normal on this vacation for these five college kids.  Sure they drink and have sex, that much is expected.  But I doubt that they expected to be consumed by a flesh eating virus.  Becuase who plans for that?

A camper kills a (very stiff) rabbit and brings it back to his tent to cook it up for him and his dog.  But his dog is dead and when the man investigates further, he has blood squirted on him from the dog.  I need to mention this, because that man is now the carrier of the flesh eating virus that will be critical to the story.

The five college kids head off to their cabin in the woods.  First stop is at the local store for supplies.  And they are greeted by a long haired boy biting one of the college guys.  Nice boy.  He's a good boy, ... sure.  The kids arrive at the cabin and tow of them immediately have sex.  The others go off for a swim and the big fellow, Bert, goes off to shoot some squirrels.  "Why would you want to kill squirrels?"  "Because they're gay."  "Don't be a retard."  "I'm kidding, I don't care if they are straight or gay."  That brilliant exchange is one of the few to look forward to in this movie.

The camper from earlier finds the kids and they see that he is sick.  After turning him away, for fear of catching what he has, they have to beat him with a baseball bat after he vomits blood inside their truck.  Then they set him on fire.  On fire, he runs to the lake and now his disease is in the water supply.  Now, not only are these college kids going to get sick, the whole town will too.

One by one, the kids get infected and it brings out the worst in each of them.  Karen, the first infected, just wants to leave and get help.  The others don't want to get infected and pretty much sign her death certificate.

Because the "killer" in this movie is a virus, it a) can't be seen when attacking its vicitm, b) is introduced to the victim at any time during the movie, and c) can be in varying degrees for each victim.  It just takes so long to set up this tragedy.  The ending is worth it.  Or at least, right before the ending.  Shovel to a head, shotgun blasts, screwdriver in the ear.  It's where all of the mayhem happens.  Oh, and I almost forgot about the guy getting a harmonica rammed down his throat.

This is an okay B movie.  Nothing to make me watch it again, but worth one veiwing.

I give this movie 1 out of 5 viles of fox urine.

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