Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Cave

The title on this movie is a little misleading.  Sure there is a cave involved, but there are also a lot of underwater scenes.  And don't forget about the host changing parasites that are in the cave.  I mean, those are important to the plot too.  So the title of this movie could have been something else.  Something like, "The Parasite That Lives in the Cave" or "Cave Dwelling Parasites".  What?  Too wordy?
Thirty years ago, a few men break into an old church to either rob it of artifacts or treasure.  They know about the lower belly of the church and proceed to blow a hole into the floor so that they can get into the cave.  But they used too much explosives, because not only do they blow too large of a whole, they also start an avalanche that destroys the church and covers the opening with rocks.
Fast forward to present day.  A group of scientists have made their way to the site of the church to do a little research of their own.  After noticing that parts of the cave are now underwater, a dive team is called in to help with mapping out the cave and provide additional information.  Everything seems to be going as planned, until the dive team members start becoming victims of these creatures that live in the cave.  The creatures have adapted to live without light and use sonar to locate their prey.
The leader of the dive team rallies the team to begin searching for a way out of the cave system.  They go under water, down waterfalls, up rock faces, and just about everywhere that you can go without double tracking on themselves when one person realizes that the leader is infected with a parasite.  He is changing.  Not rapidly, as some movies change their characters, but he is definitely changing.
Long story short, three people escape and one of the people that survived also has the parasite.  Like most of the other B movies reviewed on Medusa's Face, the ending is open ended in case they make enough money to make a sequel.  This one, I doubt.  A lot of recognizable and quality actors in this movie.  The creatures are added in rather well too.  Not too much to pan on the movie.  If I were to add anything different, I might add a little more gore in the fight scenes with the creatures.
And maybe the title, too.  How about, "Cave Creatures That Live in Caves!"  Okay.  Maybe not.
I give this movie 3 out of 5 re-breathers.

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