Thursday, May 5, 2011


There are several things that I liked about this movie.  The senseless, brutal, over-the-top violence is up there with some of the best B movies out there.  Add in the Terminator T-1000 (Patrick Harris) and Band of Brothers, Cpl. Joseph Liebgott (Ross McCall) to the mix and now we've got ourselves a movie.

Guess what, ... some college aged friends go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans.  I know.  I'm terrified too.  After they leave the French Quarter (drunk), they have a little car accident on state route 53 in "Somewhere in Louisiana".  The accident involves them running over a man and even though they conveniently have no cell phones that work, an ambulance arrives immediately to take them to Mercy Hospital.  According to the movie, Mercy has been closed for three years.

The kids have to wait their turn to be examined.  But it's less of an examination and more of an organ harvest.  You see, the doctor in charge is harvesting organs to attempt to keep his wife alive.  Predicably, a few of the friends get taken away and items get removed from thier bodies without anaesthetic.  What is not predictable is when a naked man jumps on one of the girls and expells all of his organ on her.  Then after getting up from that mess, she gets punched in the face.  Like I said earlier, brutal and over-the-top violence.

You have to wait a pretty long time before hearing, "Bleed out, bitch," from the main character, Emily.  It's lines like that one that makes my heart sing.  The ending is weak, but after having a meat cleaver put into the face of the doctor's dying wife, I guess you can give it a pass.

Buckets of blood, body parts everywhere, and a mentally disturbed man of medicine.  Everything you want or need for a classic B movie.  Except for the male nudity.  What was up with that?

I give this movie 3 1/2 out of 5 mechanical skull drills.

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