Monday, May 23, 2011

Open Graves

The beginning of this movie is rather bazaar.  It begins with a scene out of the Spanish Inquisition and someone is being tortured.  Fingernails are being ripped out.  Bodies are being stabbed.  A real gore fest, ... then ... surfing.  Don't ask me, I just watch them.
Present day Spain, a group of twenty somethings are surfing and partying.  One guy is a photographer, who shoots bikini models for calendars.  He has a friend that works with him on the shoots.  He is also dating one model as he bangs another.  Another buddy of his is in graduate school and all of them meet up with another girl who fits in somehow.
The blond guy is given this board game by a legless man.  The game has a legend behind it.  It was fashioned from the skin of a witch and inked with her blood and tears.  The rules of the game are simple.  You are not playing against one another, but rather against the game.  If you die in the game, you die in real life.  If you win the game, you get one wish granted to you.  SPOILER ALERT: The blond guy wins the game, but he doesn't word his wish well and everyone repeats their actions.
The players die in order of how early they left the game.  The first guy out, falls off of a cliff and then gets partially eaten by crabs.  The second guy gets bitten by snakes.  The third is a girl, who dies of rapid old age.  And so on.
Along the way, the survivors find the legless man now has legs, courtesy of the game.  It came at the cost of his brother's life, but he now has legs.  The cop who is assigned to the case is also interested in the game.  He wants to try and win back the lives of his wife and child.
The story is fair.  I thought that there could have been a little more back story to the game, but it is not totally necessary to the plot.  The gore was at a minimum and the digital effects were fine.  It was just hard to care for the characters.  The blond guy and the newly met surfer girl are the ones that are able to solve the game.  That's fine, ... but they have known each other less than a week and seem to be together a lot more than most new acquaintances.
It this movie worth a one-time viewing?  Sure.  Will it be enjoyable?  I can't really say.  About the only cool scene that I liked, was when the legless guy grew his legs back.  That is about the only scene that I would watch again.  That and the opening.  Everything else was a time filler to me.
I give this movie 1 out of 5 lumber yards.

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