Thursday, May 26, 2011


Lou.  Diamond.  Phillips.  The three greatest words to return to Medusa's Face.  Again, ... still not entirely accurate.

Little Miss Rehab has returned to her family after getting off of the heroin.  While her dad and sister welcome her back with open arms, her over-the-top mother still thinks that she is on the smack.  Which could explain some of the visions that LMR is having.  But, she's not on the black tar.  She just is able to see the ghosts of the children who supposedly died in a bus crash with a train.  Sounds like she is still floating to me.

Things get wild and weird during the film and we have to wait a long time before the first COOL DEATH SCENE ALERT, but it finally comes.  First a boy gets a rail spike through his chest, then his girlfriend gets it through her neck.  Pretty awesome stuff.  But that is about the best kill scene in the whole movie.

The acting in this movie is bottom of the barrel.  I mean, really low.  I loved it.  And if you had a heart, you would love it too.  The story is okay.  Gore is at a minimum.  Acting is horrific.  If there would have been a little more unnecessary violence, I would have liked this movie more.

I give this movie 1 1/2 out of 5 busted cell phones.

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