Friday, May 20, 2011

Roadkill (2011)

This group of friends are getting together in Ireland as a sort of reunion.  Touring the countryside, meeting some locals, and getting cursed by a gypsy.  All on the itinerary.

After the group of four guys and three girls get to Ireland, they board their rented RV and drive towards a campground outside of Dublin.  Along their journey, they stop for a bathroom break and one of the girls wants to purchase a trinket from a brick-a-brack shop.  The trinket is not for sale, but one of the guys steals it from the shop owner.  Making their get away, they smash into a woman and she puts a curse on them that a large bird would take them out one by one.

The first girl gets clawed at and then taken away by this enormous buzzard.  Then a guy gets the same treatment after he changes a flat on the RV.  As the group tries to protect themselves from the flying menace, they also have to dodge the shop owner and his band of gypsies who are trying to get the trinket back.  Somehow, this medallion protects you from the large bird that is attacking everyone.

But again, ... seizure cam is the main effect in all of the action.  The digital buzzard is pretty good and there is also a good use of latex gore on the actors.  With all of the digital effects out there, it's nice to see some old school special effects.

The story is solid, the acting par, and the digital bird is done well too.  The one person who I thought would be one of the "also appearing" was the one that makes it to the end.  And even the ending of this was questionable.  Bottom line, for a movie that did nearly everything right, they blew it at the end.

In summary, ... deaths throughout the movie by a large digital buzzard, dumb ending.

I give this movie 2 out of 5 Zippo lighters.

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